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Angela Light

Walking it out- the great, the messy & in between

Oh No She Didn’t Just Say That?!

Posted by angela on September 25, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 313 Comments

I stood stunned, shocked and more than a little angry. I asked a coworker to step into a private office to ask about some of the recent biting comments and obvious attacks she had made. She looked me straight in the eyes and very confidently exclaimed ‘I won’t let someone like you get in my way’.

Apparently her personal agenda was to make herself look good by sabotaging others around her. I was the first person to question her and she did not like it one little bit. But here we were-I was trying to control myself with this trash talker.

I asked ‘someone like me? What is that supposed to mean?’ Someone like me—she went on with hostile descriptions of how no one, especially someone who was younger & more educated than her- would ever advance beyond her. No one else had done so and she wasn’t about to let me. This was news since I wasn’t planning for advancement in that particular job—I was just trying to get through each day.

That scenario happened several years ago but that bitter coworker’s words had stuck with me. “Someone like me” and it sure wasn’t meant as a compliment—quite the opposite. Her intent of the words stuck with me for years–I was someone equivalent to scum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. Over the years, I have berated myself for letting that person’s harsh words hang on me-even feel like my total identity.

I told myself I had let it go and left her in my past and was over the sting of rejection.
Nope, not even close. I hate to admit it but those words continued to plague me for years. OH, I do not dwell on that particular woman but the words do sometimes slither their way back into my thoughts.

Someone like me-unworthy, unimportant, disposable.
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Then present day thoughts invade: Why didn’t those people include me in their invitation? Why didn’t my friend ask me to go with her to an event? Why did all those people from school ignore me at the last gathering? Is it someone like me is so revolting?
I try to pull myself together and am thankful for the reassuring words that I am wonderfully made by the Father. He doesn’t make trash—and He made me so I’m NOT trash! Therefore I AM worthy of love and acceptance even if other’s words and actions don’t make me feel that way.

I believe its normal for us to want acceptance from the people we’re walking through this life with. However, I must realize that I cannot, WILL NOT allow myself to get my self-worth & acceptance from others.

I need only focus on the Father and His acceptance. As amazing as it seems, He loves me despite the crazy and silly things I think, say and do. Oh, not that what I do is necessarily pleasing to Him at all times—but He isn’t withholding His love. It’s because of His love that He continues to hold me and walk with me through each of these situations. It’s training, molding and refining my understanding and thoughts—and I’m more thankful than words can express.

I don’t always like or enjoy the process but I’m reassured that someone like me, (yes- even ME) is worth His attention. Thank you Father!

And so we should not be like cringing, fearful slaves, but we should behave like God’s very own children, adopted into the bosom of his family, and calling to him, “Father, Father.” Romans 8:14-16

Whose line is it anyway?

Posted by angela on September 11, 2014
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We all have boundaries we don’t want others to cross and everyone has a different comfort level:
• Some don’t seem to have many boundaries and share their lives with everyone out in the open.
• Others are more private and prefer to not shine a limelight on themselves or their lives.
• Many fall somewhere in between

You say you’ve given your life to God and Jesus is your savior. Excellent!
We say we want to follow Him and only want His guidance. We’re willing to do whatever He directs and you pray for Him to reveal His will for you.

We claim we’re devoted, we’re absolutely His children.

But…are we truly willing to give it all up for Him? Really?
How far will you go?
We say we have emptied ourselves and only want Him to be our guide.

But have you ever, deep down, realized you DO want God leading but He can’t really get THAT close. Not too close to THAT issue. THAT situation.

Is there a place deep within yourself you know…maybe even won’t admit to another human being…but YOU know there are areas in your life you just don’t want God to be?

Its too painful for you think about ever revisiting.
Too ugly and better to just move on and let it stay in the past.
Its not hurting anyone that the situation isn’t brought out into the light—God knows about it anyhow, right?

What about your obedience? Maybe its not a past issue but how far will you obey? We all say we’ll go wherever He leads then joke as long as it isn’t somewhere ‘bad or dangerous’.

Take it further..what if its uncomfortable? Get honest with yourself for a moment: what if He is leading you to do something that will make you unpopular with your social circle, ignored by your friends, etc.

Of course, I don’t mean something against His word or anything, but what if it’s something like take a stand for the bible when everyone around you is saying (in words or actions) “Sshh…that is NOT politically correct”. Will you do it?

Where is that line you’ve drawn around yourself that you don’t want God to cross?

  • Is it a line you’ve drawn?
  •  A line you’ve allowed the enemy to draw around you, so you’ve circled yourself within it?
  •  Is it a line that God is urging you to break out of but it’ll cost too much to do so?

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The question is: whose line is it anyway? Yours? God’s? The enemy?
How far are you willing to go to be obedient to God if it were to truly cost you the house, job, friends, community you’re currently living in?
Just a call to all of us: we are held in the hand of Most High-and He has our best interest in His heart. Usually we can’t see the end of the road or outcome, but He has it under control and it is NOT to destroy us.

We’re taught from birth to take care of ourselves but what if the Father wants us to just trust Him a little more…be a little more bold…take a little further step with our faith.
Think of the possibilities if we truly allow Him to cross that line we’ve drawn—we can be more effective in our lives, our callings, our ministries, our parenting, etc.

Isn’t that the whole point?

To completely throw ourselves into His hands and follow where He leads us.

Scary? Many times.
Predictable? Nope, not usually.
Overwhelming? Most likely!

Take that step—whether your first step is to step over the line you’ve drawn of being closer, getting closer or taking a chance. I’m with you and doing the same! 
Or if that step is allowing HIM to be closer to You—its more trust than you’ve had and more LIFE than you’ve ever experienced!

I’m letting the lines fall down and opening myself more fully—Won’t you join me in our journey together?

Proverbs 3:5-6
If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgment and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; don’t ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you and crown your efforts with success.

James 4:8 And when you draw close to God, God will draw close to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and let your hearts be filled with God alone to make them pure and true to him.

“I’m outta here! Enough already!”

Posted by angela on September 4, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 22 Comments

‘I’ve had it’ she thought.’ I’m so done with this! With this marriage, with this job—my life! I need something new. This is not at all what I’m killing myself for!”

She started to pack up her things from her desk.’ I’ll take some time off’, she thought.
‘Get away. This job isn’t so great but its providing what it needs to. It doesn’t pay near enough for all the time, blood sweat & tears I pour into it. I’ll find something better. This is nuts.’

And the marriage? What a joke. What happened to all those dreams, that couple that was so in love? We could conquer anything! HA!! Pathetic! We were so stupid…now look at us. We hardly speak or look at each other. We live separate lives, we don’t even like the same things. I’ve had enough of all of this!

Ever feel like you’re sick of doing the same things with the same people and never feel like you’re getting anywhere?

She sat in her car, wiping her tears. “I thought I was doing what You wanted Lord. This job-I was sure You placed me here but now it is such a chore. And the marriage? What about that Lord? I was so confident it was blessed by You but now we’re so distant’.

Hit the pause button. Before the rest of the scene plays out—what would you counsel this woman to do?

Start job hunting? Take a vacation? Go shopping? Get some Ben & Jerry’s & a pound bag of M& Ms and call it a night?

Talk to her husband about counseling? Call a girlfriend? Go to happy hour to see if anyone new & interesting is there?

Here’s a thought:
Keep going. Yes, you read that correctly. I know, I’m all about jumping in, getting stuff done, moving forward. And yet I just said ‘keep going’? WHAT?

As much as she (or you or me) may want to bail out of our situation, sometimes we’re called to keep on. Keep going. It won’t be fun or uplifting or inspiring at times. It may even be so hard just to face another day of the same old, same old. But many times, that is what it takes.

Don’t get me wrong—I’m not at all talking about an abusive situation or anything like that.
But if you’re sick of the same old routines, same old job, same old arguments, etc. That’s where I’m speaking from.
It can go by many names: Burn out, mid-life crisis, boredom, unfulfilled,____ etc. {You can fill in the blank}.
Think of the bible stories you may know of those called to do something…ONE DAY. But they spent a lot of time (Note: A LOT of time) going through the motions, the daily routines, the boring unfulfilling YUCK that is part of life.

Couple of Examples:
David-anointed to be king but after the anointing moment, went back to being a shepherd with stinky sheep. Didn’t become king of Israel until 20 years later.
Elisha- Spent 10 years serving with Elijah before he fulfilled his calling to be the next prophet.

I get so impatient waiting for the next big thing. The next NEW thing to happen, to come along that I many times get a crusty attitude for where I am in this moment.
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Sadly, I’ve done this more times than I’d like to admit. Now I’ve learned to hit the PAUSE button on myself (not comfortable to do this by the way—especially when everything within me is SCREAMING ‘ESCAPE! RUN!”) but I know deep down that staying is what I’m supposed to do.

Like it? No. Want to? Not at all.
Will I?
Well..that’s the big question.

Where do you find yourself? Will you hang in, dig in and stay where you are when its hard, boring, uncomfortable or even feels dead end?

I’m coming to realize this is training…a season of how much God is teaching me with trusting Him.
Do I trust Him if I feel He’s taking it to a new level: will I stay in a situation that doesn’t FEEL blessed purely because I trust the Father to make His will known? Will I let myself be bored, burned out and feeling generally EMPTY if that is what I’m supposed to?

It’s the question for both of us—how much & how long will we be trust when its uncomfortable?

Thank you Father for your faithfulness and patience!
Habakkuk 2:3
But these things I plan won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!

Romans 8:25
But if we must keep trusting God for something that hasn’t happened yet, it teaches us to wait patiently and confidently.

Romans 12:12
Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always.

Ready? or NOT!!

Posted by angela on August 26, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 87 Comments

This is a confession. I share this in hopes it reaches someone who needs to hear it.               (I am also thankful for preaching from Christine Caine which was the word I needed.)

For some time now I’ve felt I’m being called to do something in the writing/speaking arena. The details are unclear but I’ve been over joyed that God has a plan for me. And to think that it’d be something that reaches others for Him makes me giddy.

But I’ve been a total fool. I ask the Father’s forgiveness. I’ve become so caught in up in the ‘what if’ thoughts that I let it cloud all reason.

I am ready –or so I thought. I wanted the ‘big’ thing I felt God has planned for me. But I let the world influence me to such a point that I missed His guiding. I want it now. I want to do something great NOW. I want to see results NOW.

Then nothing happened so I’ve prayed and cried and whined…’Why the delay God? When will this happen?’ WHY WHEN…repeatedly. I’d become disgusted & depressed. Then I started doubting…God and myself.

Maybe I was just imagining that calling-that overwhelming pursuit that I truly knew was HIM but since it didn’t happen NOW, I started making excuses and doubting. Or worse and this isn’t pretty: I started whining my doubts to God in hopes that He’d act to respond to me.

Sad, I was almost blackmailing God. “Do this big thing for me NOW God or I won’t think You really ever called me”.

Embarrassing to admit and confess this, but it is what it is. UGLY   

I have asked His forgiveness. I also thank Him. Thank Him that it’s obvious I wasn’t ready for any next step—not with that heart. That isn’t a firm foundation…that flimsy self promotion. If the Father had put me forward in a place for reaching others, I would have stumbled and most likely, stumbled horribly.

I need to be His image before I can be His ambassador.
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Yes, we’re all works in progress. But His word warned me, others counseled me and I still cried…WHY WHEN. I was blinded by the ‘now now now’ instant response mentality.
I have a new perspective now. Thank You Father.

I will be in the daily grind, allowing Him to remold, rework and imprint Himself on me as He sees fit. Then, when HE says I’m ready to go forward, He’ll make it happen.
Not me, not manipulating, not controlling.

HIM—He’ll make whatever paths need to be made when He declares its time. Not me.

And really, do we want to be overwhelmed with awesome responsibilities before we’re ready? No, we’d just blow it. And personally, the stakes of being an ambassador for His kingdom is too high for me to be self-consumed.

Thank you Father for your patience and wisdom. Help me to be welcoming to Your work in my heart until the time is right for the next step in my journey.

But how can I ever know what sins are lurking in my heart? Cleanse me from these hidden faults. Psalm 19:12

You deserve honesty from the heart; yes, utter sincerity and truthfulness. Oh, give me this wisdom. Psalm 51:6

Create in me a new, clean heart, O God, filled with clean thoughts and right desires. Psalm 51:10

Your Harvest!

Posted by angela on August 19, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 1 Comment

Something new!!

Today’s post is from Sharon Thompson, an artist friend who also writes devotions to her family. She has graciously agreed to let me share a peek of her wisdom on this blog!!

“The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few” Matthew 9:37

Picture a huge field of corn ready to be harvested. Now picture a single laborer going out to harvest that field. There will be a lot of wasted rotten corn. What should that laborer do? Work harder?

Right after Jesus makes the above statement he says “Pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest”.

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He showed me that my prayers are like little balloons that come out of my mouth and begin to rise to heaven; and as they ascend God blows in them to make them bigger and bigger. Our prayers are smaller than a big God want to answer so he increases them. God always gives me more than I expect. You’ve heard the phrase ‘that person comes with a lot of baggage’.

Well, I know I do. I carry around tons of baggage full of answered prayers.

Start praying for a huge harvest in your life. Pray that the Lord gives you the vision He has of the harvest. That harvest could be the good things he wants to store up in your heart. It can be the love he wants to show, through you, to the weary and worn out. It can be responding to the call to missions. It could be financial generosity. As your harvest become abundant you will find that you will be attracting more workers into the kingdom of heaven.

By Sharon Thompson

Bad day, bad life?

Posted by angela on August 12, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 4 Comments

My niece told me of a saying she found in a fortune cookie that she recalls while navigating life in high school:

“It’s a bad day, not a bad life”

What a great but simple thought. It seems so obvious that we may rush past it and think ‘yeah, sure. Common sense’. But wait.
How many times does something happen in our everyday life that derails us? It doesn’t have to be a huge tragedy.  It could be something small or simple but it still throws us off course:

  • Start off in a good mood but when the family gets up, some bad attitudes or snarky comments erase any ‘good mood’ thoughts we had
  • Insensitive comment from your spouse, friend or coworker
  • Stressful traffic, commute then standing in a long line for coffee (and the coffee order was wrong)

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While none of these annoyances seems earth shattering, it’s how we process the thoughts that invade afterwards:
• Why do I try to have a good attitude, this family doesn’t appreciate me-they don’t care-why bother
• Why do I try so hard to be kind to my coworkers when they clearly have no interest in basic politeness much less kindness
• I can’t even get the correct coffee order? How hard is that? Why is traffic so bad?

If our thoughts run rampant we can easily spiral to an ugly place that so many times it’s hard to return from: “Why why why…I give up. My life isn’t what I want it to be. I can’t keep doing this. No more-I’m done!”

Is it just me or do your thoughts sometimes go from zero to 100 miles per hour in a second and something that was just an annoyance sends you over the edge? Anyone with me in this?

I so many times have to pull myself back from the ledge of over reaction & panic…Its NOT a bad life, just a bad day or moment.

Of course, the enemy is relentless in his taunts:

“You have a bad life. It’s what you’ve earned after everything you’ve done, those stupid decisions you’ve made. You get what you deserve so it’s a bad life and it’s your own fault”.

NO—it’s NOT a bad life! Just a moment of me feeling derailed and of course, the enemy sees his opening to drag me thru the mud quickly—so fast I don’t even see it coming.

I’m slowly learning (much slower than I want!) to step back, BREATHE and talk with God about this. He tells us to pray without ceasing. To me, that means I’m in constant communication with Him all day. I don’t need to be in specific place or time of day or anything—I can talk with Him instantly anywhere, anytime.

I tell Him what is going on (He already knows) and how I’m not handling it well and ask for His grace and guidance.
I feel a shift, a slow reassurance—sometimes very slight-but the more I step back the stronger it feels.

When will I get it?? The MORE of God, the LESS of me. The more I’m spinning and reacting, the worse the situation. The more I step back and force myself to STOP for a second and talk with the Father, the better the whole thing turns out.

Its not a bad life—nothing from the Father is bad.
It may be a bad day or bad moment, but not a bad life. A frustrating moment or a super long WAITING time but still good. Still in His plan.
Thank you Father for perspective and Your constant presence!

“ He must become greater; I must become less.” John 3:30

God gives a hand to those down on their luck, gives a fresh start to those ready to quit. Psalm 145.14

“ and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 50:15

Exceptional REJECTION–a redirection?

Posted by angela on August 2, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 6 Comments

She waited anxiously for a reply. She just poured out her passion, her heart to this stranger-hoping & praying they understood a bit of what she explained. Don’t they see the need? Do they truly understand where she’s been and how she survived?

My friend Wanda had just submitted a book proposal to a publisher. It was a life work so far, giving details of a life with so many struggles and triumphs, she wondered if she really captured the essence of it all. But she had a message to give to others-a message of hope and survival. Not just survival, but thriving. Others need this, she thought.

The publisher looked at her and said, ‘This is not book material’.
A few small words that summed up her past—‘not book material’.
As she was processing how to react in a calm & professional manner, the publisher continued. “This is more than a book. This is an entire ministry. Others need this so much. You need to focus on forming a whole ministry around this—books will come later. This is bigger than a book”.

WHAT?! But…she had only thought a book would cover it. But something shifted in her…she knew it was true. This WAS bigger than a book.

Rejection that a few moments ago felt like a kick in the stomach was now something different-and better.

 Its Exceptional Rejection.

 Rejection of her intended outcome, yes. But a new perspective and direction laid out before that gave a bigger and further reaching outcome—it was exceptional!

As my friend told of this experience, I was touched by how much we all go through similar experiences. We plan, work, struggle and strive for an outcome we worked so hard for.

Many times, it doesn’t work out. We are beyond devastated-we feel thoroughly rejected. We become angry, sad, disgusted or bitter that all that time and work was for nothing.

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But have you ever thought of it as exceptional?

While it feels like a slap in the face or kick in the gut, it may be the Father’s way of redirecting our path. He may be showing us a different perspective or different course in our journey—a difference we wouldn’t have thought of. It’s for a much greater outcome, usually one we couldn’t possibly imagine happening to US. But He gently guides us and our outcomes for His purposes.

We say we trust He has our back. But sometimes, when we’re really honest, we feel He’s dropped the ball when it comes to things in life not working out-one more problem, one more rejection, one more issue or setback.


I’m learning to recognize these moments as a blessing. As an ‘exceptional rejection’.

Not a rejection of me, but of something that isn’t ENOUGH of what the Father has planned. I was aiming in the wrong direction or not enough…His plan is better.
His plan is exceptional & not an outcome I would have considered.

I’m learning to look for these opportunities for ‘redirection’ as a blessing and handle them much better (still a major work in progress!). No more melt downs (well, fewer melt downs) but instead a chance to open a different door to something I hadn’t considered.

Will you join me?

For me, it’s not fast or easy but I’m blessed I’m not doing this alone. And neither are you!

Sometimes we can see a situation that looks like failure, then in hindsight, we’re thankful it had a different outcome.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21

In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:6

Going through is GROWING through

Posted by angela on July 15, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 9 Comments

You may have accepted it as the path of your life and given up hoping for more. You may even be settled with the idea that this isn’t so bad, this is just the way life will be for you.

You may be struggling with recent news of something tragic. An illness, loss of relationship, disappointment with a loved one that you didn’t know would hurt SO MUCH with their choices.

A dream you’ve had your entire life of making a difference in some way, being noticed that you are worthwhile. You have things to offer, love to give –so why the loneliness that creeps in and settles around you like an old blanket.

Maybe its nothing major you can put your finger on. Maybe you’re just sick of doing the daily grind, day after day with no one noticing all you give up. No appreciation, just expectation. Don’t they see all I do? Don’t they see I’m working SO HARD just for them?

Being in the middle of a trauma is exhausting to be sure. It can wreck even the most anchored souls at times. They hold and cling, even if by a thread, knowing they won’t be let go. No matter how it feels.

Being in the middle of the SAME OLD SAME OLD is also exhausting. Praying for months or years but not seeing any change. Giving all you know to give with no notice and it doesn’t look like anything will ever change.

I’ve been praying for something for awhile and getting more and more frustrated with no answer. I came to realize that maybe it wasn’t time for an answer so I prayed for comfort.

I didn’t feel it—I so wanted that reassuring feeling to wash over me, knowing my Father had me in His hands. I KNEW this but wasn’t feeling it. A long time of growing more and more desperate and isolated. I had the head knowledge of His presence but didn’t feel His strength or goodness in this one situation.

I read a verse I’d read before but something shifted this time. Something changed. I knew this verse can mean so many different levels of things to different people. But in this one moment—I got what was meant for me. Maybe it’ll bring some insight for you?

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God has me just as I knew, but didn’t FEEL it. He’s not ignoring me or punishing me. He’s actually protecting me. He has covered me with His hand until He’s finished and passed by, then He’ll remove His hand for me to see what He’s done.

I am being held, protected but never felt it. I’m not just going through the situation, I’m growing through it. The Father has chosen to teach me something and I have to walk this out. Sometimes He takes us OUT of a situation but other times, we go through in order to grow through it.

How long? When? How?
Don’t know. Not supposed to know.

I’m slowly seeing a deeper meaning…the rest, the reassurance. No-not everything falls in the places I want it to but the peace that I finally accept…that is worthwhile.

Stay trusting and open yourself to receive His peace-He gives it openly but we have to intentionally accept it.

“Do not be afraid, you who are highly esteemed,” he said. “Peace! Be strong now; be strong.” When he spoke to me, I was strengthened and said, “Speak, my lord, since you have given me strength.” Daniel 10:19

The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace. Psalm 29:11

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. John 14:27

Blurry Vision

Posted by angela on July 5, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 72 Comments

Father, we pray for intervention. Fix this, heal this, save me from this. Our hearts are sincere in wanting your intervention and your hand in our mess. We sometimes bargain—if only you’ll do this Lord then we’ll be better with prayer, obedience, bla bla bla.

If the prayer isn’t answered when we think it needs to be-we’re pretty upset. Confused. Angry. Sometimes these feelings aren’t in response to an unanswered prayer, but in general to something that’s happened…Family, health, career, finances, etc.

Many times however, it’s not something that is earth shattering in our world. It’s quiet and small: we feel insignificant, invisible. We do not feel like we have any of the spiritual gifts we hear of, no direction except the daily grind.

Did you give wonderful life paths and spiritual gifts to everyone BUT me?

Why does everyone speak of doing God’s will when I’m just trying to figure out if HE has a will for me!

 So..our main questions become: WHY and WHEN are YOU going to fix this? Provide direction?

We beg and claim we’ve given everything, we surrender. Do we really surrender? Our vision may be blurred….

This isn’t easy stuff for many of us. We may not even realize we haven’t given it all to Him. He’s waiting, urging, whispering to us to give up MORE of ourselves so He can do the work in us. We think we’ve given it up but deep within there is a small ringing that maybe, just maybe, there is more. More to relinquish. More to hand over.

Recently I was praying for more closeness, more direction and for a BOLD intervention from God in leading me. I remember saying I’m willing to do whatever He has in store for me, that I just wanted to do His will. I know He knows my heart’s desires and thought whatever He has in store should be wonderful, easy and a dream come true.

Well…it was in some aspects. Without even realizing it, I had become too cozy with the idea that I’m willing to surrender my life and follow Him—as long as I get to stay in a comfortable place. He called me into doing something that I never ever wanted to do. I just assumed He’d never ask me to do THiS since I didn’t like it.

Reality check!!!

How many times in His word are there stories of the faithful going down paths they never thought they would, never wanted to but in obedience did so for God’s glory?
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YIKES…this means it may get messy. I may not like it. The end will be amazing—I know this. But the journey? There will be awesome days and others that I want to hide from.

But I’m the one who told the Father that I want to do His will. Whatever it is. It’ll bring me to a new place, a better relationship and blow my mind with the end result. But how much am I willing to follow thru on my end? Ever ask yourself this question?

Not always pretty but it does make us check ourselves. Maybe time to explore deeper…

Sounds easy but really give this some thought. We are willing to give only so much as long as He doesn’t require us to mess with certain things (comfy life, home, family, where we live, jobs, whatever).

A mediocre commitment to God means a mediocre life.

I want more than mediocre. I’ve had that for so long and it is boring! I’m ready to step into the deep waters for an amazing and ‘rock my world’ result!

Won’t you join me? We were created to bring Him glory with whatever He gives us. Let’s be open to being totally REAL and not a fake or partial commitment to Him.

Thank you Father for CHOOSING us and working all things according Your purposes.

Philippians 3:15-16   So let’s keep focused on that goal, those of us who want everything God has for us. If any of you have something else in mind, something less than total commitment, God will clear your blurred vision—you’ll see it yet! Now that we’re on the right track, let’s stay on it.

 James 4:7   So let God work his will in you. Yell a loud no to the Devil and watch him scamper. Say a quiet yes to God and he’ll be there in no time. Quit dabbling in sin. Purify your inner life. Quit playing the field. Hit bottom, and cry your eyes out. The fun and games are over. Get serious, really serious. Get down on your knees before the Master; it’s the only way you’ll get on your feet.

Nice & Cold

Posted by angela on June 28, 2014
Posted in Uncategorized  | 5 Comments

WARNING: I won’t win a popularity contest with this message!!

Can people be considered nice but cold? Maybe pleasant enough when introduced but mostly standoffish or distant. You know the type of scenario: “Hi, nice to meet you” and a fake smile that looks forced. The vacant look in their eyes that says they’re waiting for the 10 second introduction to be over so they can move on to chatting with ‘their’ people.

It’s awkward many times meeting new people, I get it. And it is perfectly natural to want to gather among your buddies to catch up and chat. I’m thinking about those times when we’re supposed to be greeting new people and (gasp) making them feel welcome. Oh, we’ve put out the obligatory coffee & donuts—doesn’t that scream ‘welcome’?

We’ll smile and say hello even. But to actually have a conversation and LISTEN to what they have to say? We don’t have time for this, right?

I’m probably not supposed to say this in polite company—but many times we’re just NOT INTERESTED in hearing a stranger’s comments, meeting them, welcoming them. We just don’t really have the interest or time to extend hospitality or warmness to others. We have enough to do, enough on our plate and no room for ONE MORE THING or person. Ever feel this way? 

It’s that feeling you may sometimes get when a speaker puts out a call for help with something: a food drive, VBS helpers or nursery duty. Oh no…everyone looks down and hopes not to make eye contact. We’re not interested and don’t want to be bothered.

We don’t MEAN to be distant but we have a full plate. We have a boatload of things on our TO DO lists and don’t want the possibility of having someone else WANT something from us.

Maybe this is a chance to realign our perspective: instead of thinking of this is a one more person with one more demand…maybe it’s a chance to be a 20 second ray of hope to someone lonely. Just a sincere word may be the difference in someone’s life.

We all get disheartened when we hear of how the world portrays Christians and church people as hypocrites. Well….we speak of love and being the hands and feet—as long as we don’t have to truly engage ourselves in others.

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I know from personal experience that trying to break into an already established group or gathering is an uphill battle. Most people were polite enough to offer the basic smile but that’s where it stops. We’re told to volunteer & get involved-so we offer with no response. We join prayer groups only to sit alone and watch the rest of the group interact with their long time friends and nod in our direction as a greeting.

Imagine the 1st time church attender who gets up the nerve to walk into a church, seeing all the people gathered and chatting. Isn’t it wonderful to know that YOU made a difference just by offering a few seconds of attention to say hello & be sincere?

I’m speaking to myself as well here. I sometimes hang in the back of the room only to whisk away once the gathering is over. ‘Get away and move on’…but I’m challenging myself to open my eyes a little more this week. Instead of my turbo fast retreat away from everyone, I’ll try to be a little more open hearted.

If we all try this, wouldn’t the results in a lifted heart, even if for a moment, be far reaching?

Father, I pray for Your loving hand to open my eyes to someone You want me to see this week. Let them see You in me.

Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it. Hebrews 13:2

We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together for the truth. 3 John 1:8

Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 1 Peter 4:9